Friday, November 26, 2010

vegetarian rice a roni hippie dippie food bowl

Ok put on your hemp t shirt and ergonomic sandals made of pleather and alfalfa fiber,  and slap on the all natural geode deodorant.  This version of pantry raiding takes the vegetarian eastwest trend by its dreadlocks and actually uses the practice of pantry raiding to show you how rice bowls are basically a pantry raid anyhow.
Another subletter another radically bare pantry left me with the following ingredients:

From pantry:
One frozen soy nugget
a bag of knorrs chicken rice and pasta side dish
a half bag of trader joes broccoli and green bean mix
big fat raisins
a bag of walnut halves
siracha (obviously)

add ons: none
total cost : $0

Ok so basically i channelled all those rice bowls my actor slash musician friends subject me to at vegetarian restaurants that present a pseudo eastern pseudo mediatrraneaun semi middle eastern flavor in what is essentially a risotto with veggie staples on top (soy, wheat gluten, tempeh etc) and dressed up with some kind of eastern take on ranch dressing (goddess dressing, creamy lemon whateva sauce, etc)

So if you want a more hippy dippy version of this dish stir in some ranch sauce with capers and extra garlic and voila.

For this, I threw the trader joe's bean, pea, and brocc mix (which had some butter and cheese type of things in it so the ranch was not necessary) and stir fried it up. Then i threw in the one sad about to be freezer burned soy nugget and heated that too.  Meanwhile the rice-pasta thing which normally tastes a bit like hospital food on its own, I amped by throwing in the big fat raisins to the mix for a nice lil juicy semi moroccan feel.  When the rice was done I put it in a bowl. topped it with the beans and the lone soy nigget, drizzled in siracha and added a handful of walnuts.

All these textures in one bowl felt very restauranty (and by restaurant I mean vegetarian place where white people with dreadlocks and chinese tattoos are the servers and  that sells rice bowls for 9 or 10 bucks.)

Tasted so much better because it was FREE

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