Saturday, November 28, 2009

What the farfalle? tuna casserole.

Get crazy with your spices and ingredients.

From Pantry:

1 beat up can of cambells cream of mushroom soup
1 half box of random farfalle pasta
half a bottle of salsa
half a bottle of spaghetti sauce
salt and pepper
red pepper flakes
parmesan (or garlic i can no longer tell what it is)

add ons: none

total cost today: 0

Right-- real quick this is from childhood and i still love it and it has a very homey taste.  cook up your pasta. Stir in the Campbells cream of mushroom soup over low heat which by the way is apparently a staple for a zillion recipes. Classic. anyhow. then pour in the tuna and stir around for awhile. If you wanna get fancy pour whole mix into casserole dish top with parmesan or whateva cheese and breadcrumbs and bake for a few minutes.  Me, i just season with the salt pepper and flakes, throw in some parmesan on the top (although it could be garlic i don't even know where i got that dispenser), and away we go. mmmmmmm.

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